About the website
The Information Platform Green Economy (IP GE) informs about news about the green economy and offers, free of charge, a space for the presentation of environmental solutions, experience exchange and the popularisation of subjects offering and applying these solutions. The IP GE aims to influence consumer behaviour as it provides solutions applicable in real life as their implementation directly affects the individual environmental and climate footprint.
The Information Platform Green Economy (IP GE) informs about news about the green economy and offers, free of charge, a space for the presentation of environmental solutions, experience exchange and the popularisation of subjects offering and applying these solutions. The IP GE aims to influence consumer behaviour as it provides solutions applicable in real life as their implementation directly affects the individual environmental and climate footprint.
The IP GE digital platform further contributes to the fulfilment of Slovak strategic documents, such as Greener Slovakia - Strategy for the Environmental Policy of the Slovak Republic 2030 or the Vision and Strategy for the Development of the Slovak Republic - Slovakia 2030, reflecting relevant documents on the international and European levels.
The website was created in 2018 and is managed by the Slovak Environment Agency.