
HART s.r.o.
V záhradách 24
811 03 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
IČO: 35 792 426

Contact person

Lucia Polakovič
0949 165 444
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BHARTER is the first green portal for swapping. BHARTER is a Slovak, useful, interactive portal that was created to help our planet, connect people and at the same time build a responsible community of users with a vision of a better future. It is the first Slovak web application for swapping (barter exchange). During creation, we focused primarily on a modern and user-friendly design. It allows users to safely barter exchange unnecessary items for what they currently miss, without using money – fully cashless. Through BHARTER we want to provide people the tool to reduce the amount of waste simply and beneficially for them, so we believe many people will give a second chance to already produced things. The main goal of the BHARTER startup is to support the circular economy in Slovakia and waste elimination. The aim of BHARTER is to inspire people to change their attitude to consumption way of living. We intent to change their customer behavior so they will shop less and swap more. The mission is to educate, at first make environmental topics and solutions more popular and then live it as a lifestyle. The ambition of the BHARTER is to help Slovakia become a more sustainable country.

Economic benefits

In particular, BHARTER supports the circular economy in Slovakia, which helps to mitigate the negative impact of excessive human consumption on the environment. Thanks to BHARTER, things and materials that have already been produced once stay in circulation longer, thus eliminating waste. BHARTER inspires people to buy new things less and use more second-hand items. BHARTER users can save our environment and their finances at the same time as it is a cashless barter shop. BHARTER also supports and promotes Slovak eco-friendly projects, companies, non-profit organizations, etc. that share the same vision of a more sustainable Slovakia and helps them to become known to the wider public. BHARTER also promotes localism and self-sufficiency of the country.


Environmental benefits

BHARTER places particular emphasis on protecting the environment through the use of second-hand items, the choice of local products and services and the elimination of waste. BHARTER spreads awareness about environmental issues and has the ambition not only to educate people about sustainable lifestyles, but also to motivate them to adopt sustainable lifestyles and live them in their daily lives. BHARTER's vision is to build a conscious community of people who believe in a better Slovakia and are taking concrete steps towards it in practice, thus also inspiring their surroundings. In BHARTER, not only physical things are exchanged, but also ideas and values within the community, which strengthens the friendship and sense of belonging of the citizens.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

We turn the above mentioned activities into reality through two branches, namely online and offline. Online - primarily through the portal, as well as through BHARTER social networks, newsletter and support platforms where the BHARTER community operates. Offline - physical swapping (bartering) and donating between people, but also supporting non-profit organisations through material items. At the same time also through physical swaps - events where people can bring their unwanted items and in return they can take with them what they are missing or need right now.

