

Repetito s.r.o.
Rozkvet 2073/155
01701 Považská Bystrica
IČO: 54 654 564

Contact person

Ivan Štefina
View profile


Reusable (100x) e-commerce packages that bring an eco-friendly solution to the world of online shopping and shipping.

How to use Repetito ?

1. Place an order with one of our partners and choose the Repetito package delivery option.

2. After receiving the goods, return the Repetito package folded in the enclosed bag to any Slovak Post box or Slovak Post branch.

3. Repetito packages have fully prepaid postage, you just need to send it.

4. This procedure will ensure its maximum reusability.


Economic benefits

In 2021, 46% of Slovaks made at least one online purchase and around 120 million deliveries were made. In 80% of cases, orders are packed in cardboard and in 20% in plastic packaging. This packaging generates a significant amount of waste that has to be collected, sorted, recycled or disposed of, which represents a significant financial burden.

Environmental benefits

Reusable bales reduce carbon footprint by more than 85% and waste by up to 25 kg compared to conventional cardboard and plastic packaging material commonly used.
