Collection of kitchen waste and used edible oils and fats


Espik Group s.r.o.
Orlov 133
065 43 Stará Ľubovňa
IČO: 46 754 768

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Espik Group s.r.o. is a company with more than 10 years of experience in the regular collection of kitchen waste and used edible oils and fats nationwide. They assist in fulfilling legal obligations and relieve customers from the worries associated with the disposal of kitchen waste and used edible oils and fats in accordance with current waste legislation.


Economic benefits

Regular exports minimise the risks associated with the occurrence of unexpected situations. Operations can also save money in the event of emergencies or emergency situations that arise on the premises, for example in the case of large quantities of kitchen and food waste that need to be removed and disposed of as quickly as possible. In such situations, our company will arrange an emergency export at the earliest possible date. In the event that establishments are left with discarded food goods, products and stocks after the expiry date, we will ensure carefree disposal in accordance with current legislation and the law. We will issue a tax receipt to the facility, which can then be booked as a cost. The economic benefit for municipalities is that the less waste ends up in landfills, the lower the municipal waste disposal costs will be over time. The money saved can then be invested in the development of parks, playgrounds, etc.

Environmental benefits

The solutions we offer also protect the environment. In Slovakia, many tons of kitchen waste and used edible oils and fats are produced in one year. On average, there is 100 kg of kitchen and food waste per 1 inhabitant. On average, this waste accounts for up to 45 % of the total municipal waste that ends up in landfills. The downside is that it is not used to its potential and, in addition, it is a significant burden on the environment, as it causes greenhouse gases, pollutes surface and groundwater and is a source for the spread of a variety of bacteria that threaten human and animal health. The kitchen waste that our company collects not only from towns and cities, but also from catering establishments, supermarket chains, food factories and so on, ends up in biogas plants, where it is broken down by complex processes into biogas, which is used to produce electricity and gas. Used edible oils and fats are used in the production of biofuels (biodiesel), which can reduce the production of greenhouse gases.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

The municipality of Hontianske Nemce can be considered an exemplary municipality in the sorting of biodegradable waste. More than 100 households are involved in the collection. The result is a smooth export of kitchen waste, satisfied inhabitants and representatives of the municipality who are disciplined in waste sorting.
