Successful project Green Villages of Slovakia


Obec Biely Kostol
Pionierske námestie 18
91934 Biely Kostol
IČO: 31 871 461

Contact person

Iveta Paulová
View profile


Within the framework of the national project The improving of biodiversity by the elements of green infrastructure in the Slovakian Communities - The Green Slovakian Communities, which the municipality joined in 2020, it was possible to obtain new trees for our municipality in the number of 101 pieces without the financial participation of the municipality. The trees were planted in the village at the beginning of December 2022, the selection of species and location of the trees was prepared by a dendrologist. The following tree species were planted - 2 norway maples, 22 common hawthorns, 7 single-seeded hawthorns, 19 manna ash, 1 narrow-leaved ash, 5 sessile oak, 1 goat willow, 1 rowan, 1 small-leaved lime and 42 yews. The trees are planted in five zones of the village: Rybná Street, Playground, near Post Office, near Church and near Cemetery. The implementation of the project will contribute to the improvement of the quality of the environment through tree revitalization of existing ecosystems. In addition to preserving and restoring biodiversity and ecosystems, the national project will strengthen the climatic function, the soil conservation function, the water conservation function, the landscape function of ecosystems and the environmental function of the urbanised environment at local level.


Economic benefits

Savings of municipal funds required for the purchase and planting of trees.

Environmental benefits

Limiting the effects of heat, mitigating the effects of drought.
