Comprehensive waste management solutions


Purum SK s.r.o.
Sasinkova 1
908 51 Holíč
IČO: 36 273 139

Contact person

Mgr. Natália Boldišová
+421 904 180 019
View profile


Purum SK s. r. o., offers comprehensive waste management with an emphasis on minimizing waste production. It ensures efficient recycling of a wide range of waste. It sorts and processes waste plastics, paper, glass, metals and non-ferrous metals, and prepares them as secondary raw materials for reuse in the circular economy and saves primary raw materials. It also ensures the environmentally sound treatment, recycling, energy recovery and disposal of all types of waste, including hazardous waste.

Economic benefits

It operates several recycling centres for the sorting, treatment and recycling of waste, where it achieves high recovery rates. It returns the recovered materials back to the processing industry, thereby reducing waste management costs.

Environmental benefits

It favours recycling and maximising the material recovery of waste, rather than simply disposing of it, which is the most environmentally friendly way of managing waste and one of the main routes towards sustainable development. It prepares as much waste as possible as secondary raw materials for reuse in the circular economy and saves primary raw material.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

It provides effective waste management solutions to clients in the processing industry, logistics centres, industrial companies, towns and municipalities, collection yards and waste collection companies.
