Cooling of rawhide warehouses


ABC Food Machinery spol. s r.o.
Nerudova 51
IČO: 31 346 871

Contact person

Juraj Grieš
0911 517 529
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One of the important processes of leather processing is to store the leather as fresh raw material in a cool place so as to prevent degradation and damage to the material. The fresh raw hides arrive at the warehouse cooled to the required temperature, the shin is stored at a temperature of 22 - 26 °C and then cooled to the required maximum of 6 °C. Multiple independent cooling circuits are used simultaneously for cooling. The control system switches on the individual cooling units according to the actual demand, which allows optimum use of the power. The use of R723 refrigerant allows the properties of natural R717 refrigerant to be exploited in direct evaporation circuits at extremely low charge. R723 refrigerant can also be used in refrigeration circuits at low outputs. Conventional refrigeration components can be used for the refrigeration circuits, which facilitates their practical use. The operation of the equipment confirms high efficiency at low energy consumption. Refrigeration systems of this design are gaining more and more supporters because of their simplicity, environmental friendliness, relative ease of availability and economical operation. Extremely low refrigerant charge makes it possible to extend the use of natural refrigerant with perfect thermodynamic properties.

Economic benefits

- significantly lower energy consumption,

- significantly improved operating cost efficiency,

- extended device lifetime,

- simpler and more economical servicing with minimal impact on production and operational continuity,

- increased safety of the device against possible damage to the environment or to the health of persons,

- a wider possibility of disconnection from fossil fuel supply and greater energy independence

Environmental benefits

- the use of 100% environmentally friendly natural refrigerants R717 and R723, which do not produce CO2 emissions, have no impact on ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) and a negligible impact on GWP (Global Warming Potential, the greenhouse effect),

- a substantial reduction in the energy intensity of the whole system without the need for gas with minimal electricity consumption.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Leather industry.
