Steam cleaning systems in the food sector


Neresnická cesta 1240/20
960 01 Zvolen
IČO: 51 723 930

Contact person

Iveta Výbošťoková
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Demands for cleanliness in the food sector are required through the strictest hygiene standards, but also through pressure and public control. The most common problem in the food industry today is the amount of wastewater. The traditional method of high-pressure water cleaning emerges as a problem in every company that cannot afford to waste water with mechanical or chemical pollution. At the same time, it is not possible to use surface water flooding on food production lines with photocells and robots. The use of steam cleaning systems is the most efficient and hygienic. The steam generator simplifies compliance with professional HACCP food regulations: - reduces the possibility of cross-contamination - cleans and disinfects without the use of chemicals - cleans and polishes stainless steel counters and equipment - dissolves grease in pipes, smokehouses - removes baked and burnt fat from all cooking areas, baking trays - cleans and disinfects production technology, hoods, vents, ceilings, walls, floors - refrigerators, freezers, cooling boxes, containers, full and network conveyors are cleaned and disinfected in depth - cleans even hard-to-reach places.


Economic benefits

Steam cleaners are economical - 40% less labour, 90% less water, 90-100% less chemistry. Steam technology is easy to use and store. The technical and material design meets HACCP standards. The high temperature of the dry steam destroys bacteria and other pathogens on the surface to be cleaned, eliminating the risk of product contamination. Steam cleaners reduce the risk of defective product claims. The cleaned surface is instantly dry and immediately usable, reducing production downtime. They reduce the risk of operator ill health from contact with chemical products, eliminating employee incapacitation.

Environmental benefits

Significant reduction in the amount of wastewater with mechanical and chemical pollution. Significant reduction in the amount of cleaning and disinfecting chemicals. Steam production is carried out without diesel combustion, which does not generate harmful emissions.  The main cleaning medium is dry steam with only 5 % water at temperatures above 180 °C.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

The steam cleaning system is effectively implemented in bakeries, dairies, beverage and wine industry, meat industry, confectionery, pasta and other food processing plants. For inspiration on how easy it is to steam clean a food processing plant, please visit the YouTube channel "green cleaning zvolen" in the list "dry steam cleaning".
