Ecological cleaning and steam disinfection of car interiors and exteriors


Neresnická cesta 1240/20
960 01 Zvolen
IČO: 51 723 930

Contact person

Iveta Výbošťoková
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A steam automat was developed to simplify the cleaning and disinfection of the vehicle interior without the use of chemicals. As part of the "green cleaning", customers can disinfect their car ecologically and clean it in detail using a self-service steam cleaner. Green cleaning is the use of cleaner, machines or methods that are more environmentally friendly. Self-service steam car cleaners are ready to clean the exterior of the vehicle (body, engine), to clean and ecologically disinfect the interior of the vehicle. With their availability 365 days a year, ie continuous operation, they are suitable for use whenever the customer needs. Does the customer need to clean only one seat? Or does a professional taxi, bus, truck driver need to completely clean and disinfect the interior? Self-service steam cleaning allows customers to clean the car themselves. Thanks to the unique technology of cleaning and beating with dry steam, the seats are almost immediately dry. It also allows detailed cleaning of hard-to-reach places on the car.


Economic benefits

Saving time: short drying time for upholstery - saving money. Reduced costs for the customer, who cleans even one seat when he needs it.  Providing a weather-free service, the possibility to clean your car, for example, even in winter. Differentiation from competitors (e.g. lower carbon footprint). Extension of the services provided. Increase turnover (sales).  Making the business location more attractive. Enabling professional drivers to quickly and easily clean the interior of a bus, van, truck. The high temperature of the dry steam destroys bacteria and other pathogens on the surface to be cleaned, thus making the car interior health-safe for the user (not only in times of pandemics).

Environmental benefits

Removal of odours (from animals, smoking, etc.) in the interior of the vehicle without chemical preparations. No waste water generation, no need to control and purify waste water. Increased hygiene (ecological disinfection of the car in times of pandemics). Significant reduction in the use of chemical and disinfectant products. Steam production is carried out without diesel combustion, which does not generate harmful emissions.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

The steam machine can be placed at a petrol station, in self-service car washes, in shopping centre car parks, i.e. where there is a large number of motorists. More info:
