
Alex & Arthur, s r. o.
Dr.Bokesa 40
90201 Pezinok
IČO: 52 469 531

Contact person

Iveta Szabová
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Description offers environmentally friendly solutions in the field of packaging and protection of products during transportation. The company is the official representative of the European leader in this field, the German company Flöter ( This is an offer of equipment that quickly and according to the actual need produces protective fillings of packages in the form of air cushions. A substantial part of the protective/filling material is plain air, which saves material consumption significantly and, in addition, the pads themselves are offered in a variety of materials. The company's aim is to educate clients and promote the offer of materials that are environmentally friendly (compostable or made of recyclable paper or climate neutral). Flöter has its own laboratory and is constantly researching, developing and testing new materials, in line with their priority goal of finding environmentally friendly solutions.

There are several types of air cushion production equipment according to the customer's needs. For the eshop, simpler but reliable small smart devices such as the Airboy NANO3 or NANO4 , which produce several meters of pads per minute immediately after switching on, are sufficient. For larger enterprises, industrial AIrWAVE1 and AirWAVE2 devices are available that can produce tens of metres of pads per minute and can also operate as autonomous workstations.

Economic benefits

The amount of the economic benefit is influenced by a number of factors and variables that need to be evaluated in each case. It is normally evaluated by comparing the cost of the existing solution used so far. It is important to include attributes related to the storage, production, transportation and disposal of these filling materials in addition to the actual comparison of the quantity and type of material spent to transport and protect the products in the packages, or the filling of the packages.

Environmental benefits

99% of the protective filling is air itself.  The company has developed several eco-friendly materials for the production of airbags and continues to research new materials. In practice, they are already offered:

1. BIO air pads - they are biodegradable, when the customer receives the goods protected by such a pad, he simply pierces it and can put it in the compost or in the bio-waste. They are 100% degradable.

2. Paper air pads - made of recyclable paper with FSC certificate.

The paper can go in the collection or sorted paper waste for reuse.

3. Climate neutral air cushion - made from recyclable plastics, this is guaranteed climate neutral in its manufacture.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Supplying fill materials to contracted companies that need to transport goods safely and address more environmentally friendly alternatives.
