Medical re-usable masks and gowns


LP MAN s.r.o.
K Zornici 1654/18
957 01 Bánovce nad Bebravou
IČO: 47 175 621

Contact person

Peter Lukáč
+421 907 128 773
View profile


Medical re-usable masks and gowns with active silver. Safe, re-usable, comfortable and financially affordable compared to disposable masks and gowns. Ecologically responsible thanks to reusability (waste minimalization). Locally developed and sewn in Slovakia.


Economic benefits

Thanks to the reusability, there are significant savings compared to disposables despite the higher initial investment. For example, for a staff of 60 people, the cost of disposable overalls is 29.7 thousand euros for 30 days and for reusable MEDIMAN overalls only 7.8 thousand euros. Can you imagine the savings in our hospitals?

Environmental benefits

The protective devices contain active silver, which makes them self-cleaning and prevents the reproduction and activity of trapped bacteria and viruses. They are also washable, making them reusable (until mechanically damaged), thus protecting the environment from unnecessary waste. This is a material developed in Slovakia, the products are hand sewn in Slovak workshops, they have a minimal carbon footprint from transport.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

LP MAN products have already been tested and their benefits appreciated e.g. in the hospital in Nové Zámky and in Revúca.
