Environmental education in practice


Občianske združenie SLNKOTVOR
Americká 572
03482 Lúčky
IČO: 42 434 645


Contact person

Ing. Petra Mihoková
View profile


Civil association SLNKOTVOR has been raising awareness in the field of bee and pollinator conservation for more than 11 years. Its members are aware that only theoretical knowledge is not enough, so they focus their environmental education on practical examples of how each of us can really help. During the previous years they have built a bee trail with 8 panels, an apiary - an eco-classroom, every year they organize experiential bee excursions, give advice to beginner beekeepers, lectures at primary schools. Since 2014, they have been implementing a project called Honey Garden on municipal land, in the former school garden, during which they planted trees, shrubs, herbs, installed beehives, built raised flower beds, a composting site and an apiary. In 2017 they staged an educational bee theatre (FOR)PROTECTING BEES, which they successfully presented for 2 years at performances in Spa Lúčky. Subsequently, they filmed the theatre on DVD and currently offer it as a didactic tool mainly for kindergartens and primary schools.


Economic benefits

A large part of the activities are carried out by volunteers, saving resources and using them sustainably.

Environmental benefits

Environmentálna výchova v praxi pre materské, základné a stredné školy, ako aj pre širokú verejnosť.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Experiential bee excursions, lectures with practical demonstrations, advice for beginning beekeepers, sourdough courses, filmed DVD with educational bee theatre, building a seed house in the village of Lúčky.
