SWAP Košice


SWAP Košice
Pekinská 2537/15
04013 Košice
IČO: 42 406 064


Contact person

Mgr. Zuzana Slivenská
View profile


The main goal of SWAP Košice is primarily to keep quality clothing in circulation. Thanks to this, the pieces of clothes that you no longer need, will end up in a new closet and will pleasure not only the new owner, but the environment too.


Economic benefits

Maintaining a trendy wardrobe doesn't have to be financially challenging in terms of buying new clothes all the time. Just swap clothes at the SWAP Košice event and save your finances.

Environmental benefits

The fashion industry is the second dirtiest industry in the world. Fast fashion is responsible for polluting the environment, which is why the enormous purchase of new clothes is a huge environmental burden. One solution is to limit purchases at fast fashion stores and opt for clothing swaps that are better for our planet instead.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

SWAP Košice has been operating in Slovakia's second largest city since 2019. During this period, despite the pandemic, it has managed to organize 7 events so far, where more than 1,500 people have exchanged their clothes. Economic benefit:Maintaining a trendy wardrobe doesn't have to be financially challenging in terms of buying new clothes all the time. Just swap clothes at the SWAP Košice event and save your finances.
