Wax wipes and food pouches


BajaBee s. r. o.
Námestie SNP č. 17
81106 Bratislava
IČO: 53 586 689


Contact person

Barbora Ďurišová
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Wax wipes and bags are an environmentally friendly substitute for food film and plastic bags. They are handmade from 100% cotton, beeswax from Slovakia, BIO jojoba oil and natural spruce resin for 365 uses. The wax packs keep food fresher for longer thanks to the preservative properties of beewax.

Economic benefits

Creating new jobs and supporting local suppliers.

Environmental benefits

They have unique preservative properties thanks to beeswax, which protects food from drying out or spoiling. Wax wipes extend the freshness of baked goods, cheeses, vegetables and fruits. They significantly reduce the consumption of disposable microtene bags, food foil and other non-organic household helpers.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Wax wipes and food pouches.
