Green roofs


Sky Gardens s.r.o.
Bystrické sady 36
84106 Bratislava
IČO: 51 632 047

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Branislav Siklienka
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Green roofs save the environment, heating costs and are low-maintenance. Green roofs in residential houses (see photo: 1), low-maintenance and low irrigation-intensive, have been planted on the roofs. The green roof on the terrace (see photo: 2), a combination of extensive and semi-intensive green roof is covered with grasses and flowering perennials, attracting pollinators, butterflies and other beneficial insects. The planting is complemented by shrubs and trees planted in cochleas. On warm days they create a pleasant atmosphere in the new living space. The apartment building with a green pavilion (see photo: 3), the green roof, part of the terrace and the area above the underground garage help to retain rainwater and create a more pleasant microclimate, preventing overheating of the interior under the roof, which brought a reduction in cooling costs. The family house (see photo:4), instead of a gravel roof, has been greened, beautifying the view and, unlike a traditional roof, does not radiate as much heat to the surroundings, retaining rainwater and making the rooms under the terrace more comfortable due to the natural air conditioning effect of the vegetated roof.

Economic benefits

Green roofs should be seen as an investment, not just an expense. In the long run, they will save on utility bills, especially air conditioning. They extend the life of the waterproofing, thus delaying the investment costs of replacing it.

Environmental benefits

Green roofs are a water capturing measure that helps to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change, especially in concreted cities. Green roofs reduce heat islands in cities, retain rainwater which will naturally evaporate into the surrounding area and not end up in drains, increase biodiversity, reduce dust and CO2.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Green roofs in villa houses under Bôrik, Bratislava (photo: 1), Green roof on the terrace, Bratislava - Kramáre (photo: 2), Residential house with green pavilion, Bratislava - Patrónka (photo: 3), Family house, Bratislava - Záhorská Bystrica (photos: 4, 5)
