Mission without emissions


GO4 s.r.o.
Prievozská 34
82105 Bratislava
IČO: 35 907 614


Contact person

Josef Ošlejšek
View profile


For more than 2 years, they have been delivering almost 50% of shipments in the territory of Bratislava exclusively through bicycle couriers on freight bicycles. The company strives to achieve a share of such delivered shipments of over 50% by 2022 at the latest.

Economic benefits

Protecting our cities' air is of inestimable value to present and future generations.

Environmental benefits

Zero CO2 and NOx emissions.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

GO4 services are used by almost all Slovak financial institutions, well-known eshops such as Dedoles, eTabletka, Kvety.sk, Panta Rhei, Svet dzēriov and many others.
