Green Roofs


Námestie Mateja Korvína 1
811 07 Bratislava
IČO: 45 500 126

Contact person

Michal Hájek
+421 (2) 5441 6007
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Green roofs are the roofs of buildings covered with vegetation. They represent a living and growing alternative to conventional roofing, which has become a symbol of green architecture and a core element of our work. Green roofs perform many functions. In addition to breaking down the traditional trend of bleak concrete city roofs and replacing it with aesthetically pleasing greenery, they also bring many benefits to the city's residents.

Economic benefits

Although green roofs cost more to create than covering a building with conventional roofing materials, they are extremely beneficial in the long run. They prevent roofs from overheating, reducing air conditioning costs in the summer months. In addition, green roofs have a bioretention function, they do not channel water into the sewerage system, but retain and utilise it. They are also virtually maintenance-free, as the plants practically do not need to be watered and only occasionally fertilised and weeded.

Environmental benefits

Unlike traditional roofing, which merely funnels water into leaking drains during heavy rains, green roofs retain rainfall. Thus, a properly designed vegetated roof composition significantly helps to reduce the risk of flooding in the city. In addition, the subsequent evaporation of water from green roofs creates a refreshingly cool atmosphere. As in the case of the Guthaus project, they can be complemented by rain gardens, which also form a great bioretention system and mitigate weather fluctuations such as droughts or floods. Green roofs bring with them many other benefits for the city's inhabitants. They absorb pollutants from the air, create a more pleasant environment, reduce the stressful effects of the city or create the necessary living conditions for bees, birds and butterflies.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Green roofs are part of every Corwin project, totalling almost 16,000 m². On the Einpark Offices project, the greenest building in the country, together with rainwater retention structures, they ensure that not a single drop of rainwater flows into the drains, but is instead used for irrigation or allowed to soak into the subsoil. Within the Guthaus project, they are used together with rain gardens, ensuring that all water that falls on the property is directly used to irrigate the greenery or evaporates and thus cools its surroundings. The fact that green roofs help to significantly reduce the temperature of buildings has been confirmed with the help of a thermal imaging camera. A technical study by Aero Monitor showed that the green roofs on the Blumental project are cooler than the surrounding roofs with conventional roofing materials in a temperature range of 17.6 to 24.4 °C. This not only helps to reduce the temperature inside the buildings, but also to create a cooler and healthier ambient microclimate.
