Brownfield Revitalisation


Námestie Mateja Korvína 1
811 07 Bratislava
IČO: 45 500 126

Contact person

Michal Hájek
+421 (2) 5441 6007
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With any new city development, the most important thing should be the impact it will have on its surroundings. The goal should be to unite the city, not to expand it by force. The basis of responsible and beneficial urban construction is therefore the right choice of location. The best are brownfields – neglected areas of the city, mostly located on the land of former factories that have lost their purpose. These areas are what our projects focus on.At Corwin, we aim for responsible and rewarding development. We believe that construction should help the whole city and new projects should naturally connect and develop the whole area. Revitalizing neglected areas helps us fulfill this goal and bring life where it belongs.

Economic benefits

Brownfields revitalization has many benefits for the entire city. It brings a significant amount of investment, creating new places for housing, services and leisure. But most important of all, it will ensure that the city develops inwards instead of sprawling outwards. By sitting on top of existing infrastructure, brownfield sites do not create pressure for costly public transport expansion and an increase in individual car traffic. Thus, new development will rise on already developed land in the city, rather than taking up arable land on the edges from which people have to commute by car. This means the roads are less worn, public transport is more efficient, and people are closer to everything they need.

Environmental benefits

Brownfields are often full of paved areas that raise the temperature in the city and only let water into the sewer system and can also pollute it. Revitalising them and replacing them with green buildings makes water management more efficient and improves the urban microclimate.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Corwin's headquarters in Bratislava is a great example of what the right brownfield revitalisation can bring. Just a few years ago, the site of a former tobacco factory and later a state-owned Tesla company was abandoned. Today, it is a modern place full of life that has raised the quality of the entire neighbourhood by carefully incorporating the needs of the local neighbourhood. The cafés, restaurants, shops and services in the arcade are complemented by a new public space - Matej Korvín Square, which serves as a great meeting place for old and new residents of the neighbourhood. The neglected site of the former parquet factory on Račianská Street is thus being significantly transformed thanks to the Guthaus project. The site, which today lacks a housing function, will be improved and will provide future residents with the healthiest housing in Bratislava. In conjunction with rich vegetation, suitably complemented by amenities, playgrounds, a public park and excellent connections to the tram, Guthaus will offer opportunities for a healthier and happier life. An equally beneficial revitalization is also planned for the Palma area. The company's goal is to build a sustainable neighborhood for people that will benefit its surroundings as well as the entire city and its residents.
