Electric composter


Námestie Mateja Korvína 1
811 07 Bratislava
IČO: 45 500 126


Contact person

Michal Hájek
+421 (2) 5441 6007
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When creating a project, we always try to introduce new green initiatives. Einpark Offices is among the top 1% of the most sustainable buildings in the world. Take a look at one of our new environmental initiatives at Einpark – The electric composter. Organic waste treatment is often overlooked when it comes to reducing the environmental impact of commercial buildings. It’s a common practice to simply dispose of this waste into municipal landfills.Moreover, during its decomposition, greenhouse gases are subsequently created, which has a negative impact environment. At Corwin, we’ve decided to solve this problem right at its source. We collect biodegradable waste from our buildings directly on site and transform it into a useful product – compost. The composter in Einpark can process up to 50 tons of organic waste per year. Furthermore, it reduces its volume by up to 90% and creates a quality substrate that can be used directly on the premises. In addition, the system works fully automatically and does not produce any smelly or harmful gases.

Economic benefits

Composting waste in-house reduces the amount of waste that needs to be taken to landfill. This is an extremely attractive option, especially for building tenants in the catering sector.

Environmental benefits

Einpark Offices is the greenest building in Slovakia. It is unique in water management and energy efficiency. The electric composter allows to reduce the carbon footprint, reduce waste and recycle almost all the bio-waste produced in the building.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Electric composter in the Einpark Offices project in Bratislava.
