Development of tailor-made waste management


Materskej školy 30
943 42 Gbelce
IČO: 42 426 111

Contact person

Pavol Pék
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A comprehensive tailor-made waste management solution consists of implementation of a waste management development program for municipalities, cities and regions of the Danube region in the form of an integrated waste management strategy based on environmental management. This includes an analysis of the initial state, an action plan, monitoring of achieved goals and the level of development of individual processes, a communication campaign aimed at increasing the environmental literacy of citizens and students in primary and secondary schools. The waste management development program includes the introduction of state-of-the-art infrastructure solutions in Slovakia, i.e. electronic smart records for the introduction of quantitative waste collection, the provision of containers for the collection of biodegradable waste, the modernization of biogas plants and the construction of smart composting sites.

Economic benefits

The implementation of "tailor-made" waste management reduces landfill costs in municipalities. The use of biodegradable waste in the form of biogas, fertiliser and compost brings economic and environmental benefits.

Environmental benefits

Reducing the amount of waste landfilled, the amount of CO₂ and landfill gases produced. Building a local circular economy based on the principles of the EU and Slovak Sustainable Development Goals.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

The partners of the JRK Slovakia association (composters, industrial composting sites, units for the hygenisation of MSW) and Agrovaria import-export, s. r. o., (infrastructure for the bioseparation of waste, mechanical-biological treatment of waste) are involved in the development of waste infrastructure. Shops have joined the information campaign aimed at increasing the eco-shopping skills of citizens by offering cotton shopping bags and sacks, and restaurants have supported the sustainable efforts of their customers by accepting takeaway boxes. The campaign was supported by Faxcopy Komárno and the Association of Hungarian Entrepreneurs in Slovakia - Szlovákiai Magyar Vállalkozók Szövetsége.
