Traffic calming proposals


VT consulting, s. r. o.
Lovinského 37
811 04 Bratislava
IČO: 53 787 846

Contact person

Vladimír Tóth
+421 950 472 511
View profile


The main goal of the measure is to propose all possible way for traffic calming. Traffic calming actively contributes to transport safety, a healthy environment, reduced traffic and an increase of the total share of sustainable transport modes within a national, regional or local modal split.

Economic benefits

Traffic calming is not only environmentally sustainable, but above all economically sustainable. They are one-off activities that do not require regular maintenance at a high frequency. The goal of traffic calming is to remove through traffic from residential streets and shift passengers from individual car travel to public transport, thereby contributing to reduced infrastructure maintenance costs.

Environmental benefits

Higher-capacity vehicles, non-motorised transport powered by the driver's own power and walking produce significantly fewer or no exhalations per passenger kilometre compared to individual transport, especially if the driver of the private vehicle is also the only passenger.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

The strategic material Dubová Zone, from which solutions for measures on Kovorobotnícka Street and Stratená Street and on Devínská cesta in Bratislava were drawn.
