
Námestie mieru č. 1
03101 Liptovský Mikuláš
IČO: 31 897 908


Contact person

Ivona Fraňová
+421 911 705 760
View profile


Association of Information Centers of Slovakia (AiCES) and Company Ekotema Group, p. r. o., established Czech-Slovak cooperation to support sustainable development, eco-tourism and environmental education in Slovak regions and tourist centers. The project Ekotema and AiCES #ObjavUdržateľnéSlovensko (# DiscoverSustainableSlovakia) maps, mediates and connects sustainable tourist activities, attractions, goals, places and projects across Slovak regions.

Economic benefits

Promoting and publicising businesses, facilities, destinations, attractions and activities that contribute to sustainable development, sustainable tourism or have a positive impact on the environment. Through a wide distribution channel - the membership base of information centres across the country, falling under AiCES, this initiative is introduced to the general public.

Environmental benefits

Outreach through examples of good practice directly from Slovak regions. It is also beneficial to protect the landscape in extremely attractive tourist locations by pointing out lesser-known sites, sustainable projects and businesses that have, in addition to their primary significance, a secondary significance in the form of education and contribute to sustainable tourism.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

All outputs of the project are marked with the unique identifier #RecoverSustainableSlovakia. Thanks to this hashtag, all articles on the internet and social networks in Slovak and Czech languages can be found. The homepages of this project are www.AiCES.sk and https://www.envimagazin.cz/udrzatelneslovensko/
