Zero waste


DUKOP Enterprises s.r.o.
Malý Šúr 93
90301 Kostolná pri Dunaji
IČO: 51 249 260

Contact person

Dušan Koporec
+421 905 149 058
View profile


The NOK brand combines environmental protection and sheltered workshops. Our goal is to help find alternative products without plastics and for reuse. The products are made in sheltered workshops that help people in need. These products are ethical and have a minimal impact on the environment.

Economic benefits

Resource efficient, reducing consumption, Supporting the local economy, Supporting people in need, Financial support for shelter animals.

Environmental benefits

Products from sheltered workshops are locally produced, toxin-free, biodegradable, recyclable, in returnable or non-returnable packaging. Designed to be recycled or disposed of responsibly at the end of their useful life. Prioritising Slovak producers reduces the carbon footprint. Multiple use of products reduces waste.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Cooperation with sheltered workshops in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Supporting the sale of products from the shelter for abused women.
