Public bicycle


ANTIK Telecom s. r. o.
Čárskeho 10
040 01 Košice
IČO: 36 191 400

Contact person

Matúš Digo
View profile


This is the first bikesharing in Slovakia with the possibility to leave the bike and rent it out of a designated bike sharing station. This ensures that the cyclist can find a bicycle very close to the real starting point and returns it to where he or she needs to stop. There is no need to look for a predefined station or solve a problem in case there is no free bike or a free place to return it at the station.

The whole system communicates with the user via a map in the application for iOS and Android, including registration, payment, rental, return or reporting of a bicycle failure. The system includes an extensive back-end management system for project management - service provision, bicycle relocation, payment support, statistics and the like.

The bicycle itself is remotely monitored via a GPS/GSM modem, which is powered by a solar panel located in the bicycle basket. The aim of the project is to make life in the city more attractive and to bring a widely available alternative for everyday trips to work and for entertainment.

Economic benefits

In addition to the general cost savings that result from the use of individual car transport, the project focuses on cyclists who make the daily commute to work, and the company's pricing policy is set accordingly.

Environmental benefits

Saving the environment by reducing the use of private individual transport. 
Unique opportunity to apply bicycle traffic data that can be used for urban planning. 
Improving the health and fitness of users.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

In the first phase in 2019, the company placed 1 000 bicycles on the streets of Košice and three other cities. The goal is to cover 30 Slovak cities with accessibility for one million inhabitants of Slovakia. Usage of the public bike service has already reached more than 250,000 rides per season and its potential is 100,000 rides per month at 2,000 bikes in peak season.
