Analysis of municipal waste components for local governments


Envi-CARE GR s. r. o.
Tolstého 5
811 06 Bratislava
IČO: 50 084 372

Contact person

Radoslav GONT
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The analysis of municipal waste for municipalities gives local governments a real picture of how citizens manage municipal waste. It provides information on the size of the municipality's potential for sorting biodegradable waste and other sorted components of municipal waste, intensifying sorted waste collection and reducing the volume of waste ending up in landfills or incinerators.

Waste analysis reveals the potential reserves of the municipality in the setting of fees for municipal waste and in the total financing of waste in the municipality, as unsorted mixed municipal waste from households represents in some cases the majority of the total amount of municipal waste.

Economic benefits

Creating the preconditions for ensuring an increased share of separate collection and recycling of municipal waste in municipalities. Reducing the costs for municipalities to collect and dispose of unsorted municipal waste in landfills. Elimination of the creation of black dumpsites and the costs for municipalities to dispose of black dumpsites. Local authorities will have a tool to set up economically and organisationally efficient collection and subsequent treatment of biodegradable municipal waste and small construction waste.

Environmental benefits

The environmental and societal benefits of waste analysis are the reduction of adverse environmental impacts and the conservation of natural resources. The separated components of municipal waste can be further used as raw materials for the production of other products, high quality compost and recycled construction waste after recycling.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

The last waste analyses carried out in the municipalities of Klenovec and Jasenie.
