Craft cooperative
Remeselné družstvo Bývame ZdravoVýchodná 621
032 32 Východná
IČO: 51 062 836
Contact person
Marek Rabik0911854038
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Craft cooperative owned by members, which provides work and education for members and collaborators. It creates ecological, ethical and sustainable products and services.
Economic benefits
Ethical jobs with quality pay, local work for members and associates.
Environmental benefits
Ecological buildings, sustainable architecture, recycling of materials.
Examples of implementation of the solution in practice
Building passive houses, using materials such as straw, hemp
Wood fibre, clay plaster, wood, stone
Construction of small wooden buildings, vegetated roofs
Reconstruction of old houses, using original natural materials, recycled materials, local materials, sensitively and with respect for the surroundings and the original architecture
Outreach activities, workshops, lectures, consultations
Summer craft school