Waste prevention
BEZOBALiSBraneckého 8
91101 Trenčín
IČO: 52 246 515
Contact person
Martina Novotová0950872238
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Sustainability is far from just zero-waste, but waste reduction is a solid and important part of it. No packaging shopping is (right after not shopping) by far the most effective way to not fill your waste bin or to fill it much more slowly. Today, all of the above things can be bought without packaging or replaced with a reusable alternative. The results will come immediately in the form of a rapid reduction in the amount of municipal waste.
Economic benefits
Saving money, namely: for single use, but also for unnecessarily large quantities of food, packaging, waste.
Environmental benefits
Waste reduction at individual and company level
Environmental education
Examples of implementation of the solution in practice
BEZOBALiS provides an alternative to a consumerist way of life, one way to reduce your ecological footprint by reducing the amount of waste you produce. And this from one of the first steps in this vicious cycle of things - the purchase - to the last step - the payment. Since the introduction of the system of sending receipts by email, the amount of waste in the store has decreased extremely.