Environmental impact assessment


Na Hrádok 8888/2A
960 01 Zvolen
IČO: 53 435 869


Contact person

Rozália Vaňová
+421 915 747 132
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All human activities leave a certain mark on the environment. The environmental impact assessment is carried out by the life cycle assessment method set out in the STN EN ISO 14040 and 14044 standards. Consultation can provide an overview of the impact of a given product, service or organization on individual components of the environment. Thanks to the analysis, you will be able to effectively reduce the impact on the environment.

Economic benefits

Increased competitiveness on the market, cost savings, innovative approach to business, support of communication with the customer.

Environmental benefits

identification of environmentally problematic aspects of products, services and organisations,
targeted reduction of negative environmental impacts,
highlighting positive environmental impacts,
improving the environmental profile,
protecting the environment as well as health and social conditions of life (improving quality of life, health protection).

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Carbon footprint - the analysis will show vulnerabilities in terms of greenhouse gas emissions related to a given product, service or organisation. Water footprint - will show the impact of the product/service on water resources. Life Cycle Cost Analysis - will allow to find the intersection between an environmentally acceptable and an economically viable solution. Ecodesign - will help to reduce or eliminate the negative environmental impacts of products at the design stage. EPD - analysis will provide transparent data on the environmental impact of the product or service.
