Collection and processing of wooden waste


LES, s.r.o.
Javorová 2
911 01 Trenčín
IČO: 36 315 796

Contact person

Lucia Čibenková
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LES, s.r.o. is a regional processor of wood waste and producer of eco-briquettes, eco-pellets and other products. They offer their services to local municipalities and companies. LES, s.r.o. processes large amounts of wood waste from various regional producers and storers. This waste is not suitable for composting, comes from landfills, or originates from parks and other public spaces. The wood waste is then processed according to its quality. Wood waste that is not suitable for the production of eco-products is crushed to produce woodchips, which is then used as an energy source of the company’s production process. Chemically treated wood, which is not usable for the production of pellets and briquettes, nor heating, is processed for the production of particleboards and other large surface materials. The company purchases sawmill waste (sawdust and shavings) from local sawmills and primary produces. Clean sawdust is used to make eco-briquettes without adding any chemicals, by pressing under high pressure. The high quality of the briquettes is guaranteed by quality wood material - mostly hardwoods, but also thanks to top producer technology. The whole production process is ecological, repeatedly confirmed by control measurements. Exhaustion gases emitted into the air are multiple-times lower than the permitted limit. The eco-pellets and eco-briquettes fulfil the conditions to be listed as eco-fuels with a carbon-neutral footprint, that is, they have very low emissions, clean mineral ash and a neutral carbon cycle. Heating is ecological, the burning releases only that amount of carbon dioxide, which the plants absorbed during their growth.


Economic benefits

Processing of large quantities (tonnes per year) of wood waste not suitable for composting, from landfills or other areas, and its subsequent processing into value-added products or energy recovery. Wood ecopellets and ecobriquettes are most similar in properties to wood, but have a higher calorific value and a low moisture content of up to 10 %.  They do not produce any aggressive combustion gases during combustion, they do not breathe or pollute the chimney, thus saving heating equipment and overall heating costs. The ENplus® certificate guarantees that the pellets have a high calorific value and combustion efficiency.

Environmental benefits

Recycling of large volumes of wood waste that does not end up as municipal waste in landfill etc. The entire production process is environmentally friendly, which is confirmed by repeated control measurements; several times fewer exhalates are emitted into the air than the permitted limit. Ecopellets and ecobriquettes meet the conditions to be classified as carbon neutral eco-fuels, i.e. they have very low emissions, clean mineral ash and a CO2 neutral cycle. They are environmentally friendly, burning them releases only as much carbon dioxide as the plants have absorbed in photosynthesis during their growth.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

LES - green energy is a Slovak brand, which marks the production of LES eco-pallets, LES eco-briquettes and eco-beds for animals.
