Energy audits


NOVACO s. r. o.
Prievozská 1307/9
82109 Bratislava
IČO: 50 689 801

Contact person

Mgr. Matej Prokypčák
View profile


NOVACO, s. r. o. offers complex services in the area of energy and environmental consulting to clients in different areas of industry and government. They carry out energy audits including a proposal of a set of measures that lead towards significant energy reductions. The goal is to reduce the cost of consumed energy, reduce the energy use and implementation of renewable energy sources by replacing heating devices that run on fossil fuels, reduction of heat leakages through heath transmission through building constructions. 

Economic benefits

Reducing the cost of energy consumed and reducing energy consumption, reducing heat loss through the passage of heat through building structures.

Environmental benefits

Reducing emissions, reducing energy consumption and implementing RES by replacing fossil fuel fired heat generation facilities.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

MAXIN, spol. s r.o., (hotel reconstruction and capacity expansion), Military Historical Institute (Bratislava), National Agricultural and Food Centre (Lužianky), Institute for the Execution of Imprisonment and Institute for the Execution of Detention (Leopoldov, Ilava), RTVS (for buildings in Košice), State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic (audit of the building of the Administration of Slovak Caves in Liptovský Mikuláš) and others.
