Low carbon strategy


NOVACO s. r. o.
Prievozská 1307/9
82109 Bratislava
IČO: 50 689 801


Contact person

Mgr. Matej Prokypčák
View profile


A low carbon strategy is a complex mid-term and long-term document which defines activities of entities that operate within a given area/ an organisation with regards to their CO2 emissions and other pollutants emitted into the air, with there being an emission survey determined for an agreed time interval. The project consists of multiple phases: data collection, data analysis and proposal of measures to improve the quality of the environment. During the proposal, it is always necessary to respect the possibilities of the client, with there being an intensive communication to reach the desired outcome. The strategy creates conditions for a green sustainable economy and decreasing energy costs.

Economic benefits

Creating the conditions for a green sustainable economy and reducing the cost of energy consumed.

Environmental benefits

Reducing the carbon footprint, reducing energy consumption, improving air quality and reducing respiratory diseases in the area.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Low carbon strategy for cities and municipalities Zvolen, Bardejov, Kežmarok, Partizánske, Galanta, Krakovany, Komjatice and dozens of other cities and municipalities in Slovakia.
