Elimination of the impact of dog excrements on human health and the environment


Kukorelliho 55
08501 Bardejov
IČO: 52 049 621


Contact person

Katarína Talianová
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MARTAL, s. r. o. creates efficient ecological solutions, especially in the prevention of the impact of inefficient liquidation of dog excrements to prevent the spread of infectious diseases that transmit from dogs to humans. The worldwide-certified, patent-protected hygienic device "EcoDog Toilet" results from 19 years-long research and development efforts in collaboration with the Technical University in Košice. EcoDog Toilet is a sanitary device for dog walking that ecologically and efficiently solves the liquidation and neutralisation of dog excrements within households and public spaces. It prevents the contact of dog urine and excrements with the environment and its subsequent contamination. It contains a patented ingredient that is purely nature-based with dog pheromones that are gradually released into the environment. EcoDog Toilet presents a solution for a cleaner and prettier world.

Economic benefits

Efficient use of the dog tax levied. The technology being developed is tailored to efficiently collect data on the visitation of specific dogs and their responsible owners. Costly removal of the consequences of environmental pollution by dog excreta is eliminated.

Environmental benefits

The environment is improved and beautified, i.e. : clean parks and playgrounds with carefree parents and children playing, reduced risk of people, especially children and pregnant women, being infected by millions of bacteria and parasites in dog excrement, healthier dogs due to reduced risk of infection from other dogs' excrement, minimising the risk of contamination of groundwater, watercourses and beaches by dangerous dog excreta flushed down storm water, reducing the risk of soil contamination, eliminating unpleasant odours from dog faeces and urine. Clean streets and parks enhance the quality of life, the culture of a nation and the attractiveness of cities for tourism and travel.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Successful implementations of ecological dog toilets can be found in the towns of Liptovský Mikuláš, Bratislava-Vrakuňa, Bratislava-Karlová Ves, Senec, Veľký Meder, Tvrdošín, Sobrance, Turňa nad Bodvou, etc.
