Recycling of construction and demolition waste


PROSPECT, spol. s r. o.
J. Simora 5
940 01 Nové Zámky
IČO: 34 107 100

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+421 (0) 356 423 262
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The recycling of construction and demolition waste can take place anywhere thanks to the use of mobile shredders and sorters - at the location specified by the client: directly at the construction or demolition site or at the company's collection and recycling yard. The result of the construction waste recycling process is recycled aggregate that no longer has the character of waste, but the character of a commodity, a material. The quality of the recycled aggregate depends not only on the quality (purity, composition) of the incoming construction waste itself, but also on the recycling technologies used, the system and method of receiving, storing and logistics of the incoming construction waste. The recyclates can be used as a base layer for roads, car parks and pavements. As backfill material, e.g. between building foundations, or can be compacted significantly better than e.g. quarry stone.

Economic benefits

Saving resources and costs for transport to landfill, storage fees, new construction material, transport of new aggregate. Efficient use of waste materials.

Environmental benefits

Reducing the negative impacts of construction on the environment.
