Climatically, energetically active vegetation facade with irrigated green wall


MDM Slovakia, s.r.o.
Nádražná 35
909 01 Skalica
IČO: 36 231 789

Contact person

Dušan Mareček
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Climatically, an energetically active vegetation façade with an irrigated green wall is a projecting steel structure usually standing on its own foundation and anchored to the existing façade. Trapezoidal sheet metal and pre-grown STERED boards covered with moss and stonecrops are attached to the steel supporting structure. Rainwater from retention tanks or gray water - purified from the WWTP - can be used to irrigate the wall. The wall is then able to hold the water and gradually evaporate. Excess water flows back into the retention tank, from where it is pumped back to the top of the wall. Thanks to the pumping of water in time intervals and depending on the weather, the wall becomes an energy cooler, which prevents overheating of buildings and the formation of heat islands, while absorbing dust and supporting local biodiversity.

Economic benefits

With its simple construction using the properties of STERED boards, it can save money during the construction and subsequent operation of the KEAVF. By simply irrigating with either water from retention tanks or grey water from the WWTP, the vegetated façade can save up to 25% of the energy used to produce cooling. The wall is almost maintenance-free.

Environmental benefits

KEAVF is made of steel and recycled patented STERED material, which when used as a building envelope contributes significantly to increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, it creates a pleasantly cooler environment around the halls, prevents the formation of heat islands, promotes biodiversity and also contributes to a significant reduction in noise propagation from the interior to the exterior and vice versa.
