MATERIAL RECOVERY FACILITY for non-hazardous waste


Dvořákovo nábrežie 4E
811 02 Bratislava
IČO: 51 128 608

Contact person

Ing. Jaroslav Birčák, PhD.
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We treat waste as a resource not as a problem. We recover everything that can be used again and recycled. We do not need segregation at source. We prepare waste in the process of sterilization and then effectively, automatically segregate it into various fractions. Thanks to this approach, we reach the highest recycling level of raw materials from waste. Moreover, the technology allows for the highest diversion rate from landfill helps to reach the Circular Economy goals immediately. We don’t just believe that waste is a resource. We are proving it in real life on every day basis.

Economic benefits

The maximum economic effect of this technological set-up is achieved on the basis of the possibility to carry out recovery - in particular preparation for reuse and recycling of individual materials and substances contained in the waste, high diversion rate of waste disposed of by landfilling (depending on the type and composition of the waste received for treatment, the diversion rate reaches min. 90 %, i.e. leaving a maximum of 10 % of the waste for landfill disposal, whereas the operation of the plant in Poland achieves an average diversion rate of 96 %, i.e. an average of 4 % of the waste going to landfill) and the high quality of the secondary raw materials and the organic fraction (biomass), i.e. fractions with a value that is in contrast to the waste going to landfill.

Environmental benefits

The plant does not generate odour emissions during the waste treatment process and does not disturb the surrounding area with noise, i.e. it can be located closer to residential areas, thus significantly reducing transport and logistics costs. In addition, it reduces greenhouse gas emissions and thus the carbon footprint, i.e. it is a 'chimneyless' process and has no leakage of liquids and does not emit them into the environment. The facility handles waste without endangering human health or the environment and, in particular, without the risk of polluting water, air, soil and endangering plants and animals.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Practical demonstration of the plant in Poland, where the innovative solution has been in full industrial operation since 2013 (short video)
For more basic information about the plant, please visit
