Sustainable architecture, CO2 positive living for 21. century


Pribila spol. s r. o.
Pri potoku 5/44
906 38 Rohožník
IČO: 51 146 711

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Martin Pribila
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We have counted under LCA (life cycle assesement) that CO2 footprint is neutral in 14-th resp. 21-st year of building. Depends on construction type. Solutions , where CO2-positive footprint based on low energy needs in hand with green roof and use of natural materials are likely to use for improvment in environment. On roof we catch up to 40m3 water per house. We filter wastewater in wetland watertreatments. So we have always full wells.

Economic benefits

Significantly saves resources and costs. Energy consumption for operation and maintenance of the house is at an average price comparable to conventional houses at the level of 15 - 35 €/month. Air conditioning costs are zero as it is mole adapted to climate change. With a stable climate of up to 24°C and balanced humidity throughout the year, it does not need air conditioning and recuperation associated with annual cleaning.

Summer heat is stored in an earth battery, from where it is pumped out in winter. As a result, the mole house maintains a pleasantly cool indoor climate in summer and a warm indoor climate in winter.

Environmental benefits

During the construction and use of the house, no waste is generated that burdens the environment. The supporting structure of the house has a long service life and does not release any harmful substances into the environment during its entire lifetime. The house has a healthy indoor climate, the natural building materials used have a beneficial effect on the humidity regime in the house and the acoustics in the interior, thus also on the health of the inhabitants of the house.

Wastewater recycling is ensured by a root purifier, which recovers used water from the home and returns it back to nature. Rainwater is retained by the green roof up to 40 m3 of water/house. The house's energy system also uses renewable resources, making the house self-sufficient. Waste heat from the house heats the greenhouse.  Krtkodom preserves the greenery, the greenness index is up to 0.95, i.e. 95% of the greenery remains on the plot. 

According to the LCA (life cycle assessment), the CO2 footprint is neutral in the 14th or 21st year of the age of the building (depending on the building layout and the technologies used).

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Krtkodom Rohožník, resp. Lubina (
Other realisations all over Slovakia (e.g. Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Stará Turá, Košice), in Hungary (near Balaton) and in the Czech Republic (Prague)
