Certification of product repairability


Račianska 1575/78
831 02 Bratislava
IČO: 50 212 613


Contact person

Daniela Laluhová
+421 907 721 628
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Certification of products that are designed for simple and affordable repair. Repairably strives for less waste and a better future by encouraging design, manufacture and use of truly repairable products. Repairably is a novel concept and platform to dramatically increase repairability of everyday products. Certified products should comply with repairable manifesto - 10 rules for practical repairability.

Economic benefits

A repairable product has an economic benefit especially for the customer. It gives the certified company a stamp of reliability and responsibility. It contributes socially to saving input resources needed for production, resources needed for recycling or disposal of the product at the end of its useful life. Repair also contributes significantly to increasing employment in services.

Environmental benefits

With repairable products, waste can be prevented or minimised. At the same time, the amount of raw materials needed to produce new products is reduced. Repair is also energy efficient, as it saves energy consumption at the beginning of the production process, but also at the end when recycling, as there is no need to produce as many products, while they are used for longer and do not become waste. Repairing and maintaining the products has the lowest energy consumption required within the circular economy tools.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

The repairably certification was currently granted to two Slovak companies - its products. All certified products are listed at https://repairably.com/.
