Plant-based wastewater purification facilities


Ivachnová 94
03483 Liptovská Teplá
IČO: 50 184 539

Contact person

Filip Baďo
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ECOPLANET SLOVAKIA, s. r. o. is a technological leader in plant-based wastewater purification. The first certified root water purification facility results from years of development, and its function was lab tested and received the CE marking. Root water purification facilities are known for low maintenance, low operational costs, and sustainable functions, which ensure reliable wastewater purification of different kinds. By using modern building approaches, they can be spatially efficient and energetically efficient. Thanks to their low operational costs, they are a sustainable way of wastewater management that is 70% cheaper to run than traditional wastewater purification facilities. The plant-based water purification facility is an artificial wetland that attracts different kinds of insects, birds, and other animals. Plants are a natural part of the facility; they evaporate a large amount of water that naturally cools down the surrounding area, especially in the summer months. A huge benefit is a quality purified water that can serve a secondary purpose.

Economic benefits

Due to its low operating costs, it is a sustainable method of wastewater management that has 70% lower operating costs than conventional types of wastewater treatment plants.

Environmental benefits

A vegetated wetland is an artificial wetland that attracts a variety of insects, birds, and other animals. Plants are a natural part of the vegetated treatment plant and evaporate large amounts of water, especially in the summer months, which naturally cools the surroundings of the treatment plant. A major benefit is the quality of the treated water, which can be used for secondary recovery.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Museum in St. Anton,
WWTP for the manor KKC Štiavnické Bane,
Circulating management system with treated wastewater for flushing toilets and in an artificial stream and lake,
Guest houses, hotels, property groups - vegetation treatment plants of various types and arrangements
