Charity re-use centrum Baterkáreň Trnava


Občianske združenie SaUvedom
Hospodárska 45
91701 Trnava
IČO: 52 308 537

Contact person

Simona Hlaváčová
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The SaUvedom (Pull your act together) civic association
The Baterkáreň civic association in Trnava is successful in promoting the circular economy principles. At their events, they effectively return numerous unwanted garments and goods into circulation. They regularly organise events (for example, swaps of books, garments, or plants), through which they reinforce a simple habit of swapping things while still having something "new."

Amongst their most successful events are the  Rental Shop of Things (it is not necessary to buy things that are only used once a year or once in a lifetime), the Things Shelter (new home for abandoned things), and the charity secondhand Goodness Shop (unworn and designer clothing for a fraction of the cost, proceeds go to help organisations). T

he charity reuse centre Baterkáreň offers products that help socially disadvantaged groups through their price availability (free of charge or a symbolic fee). Their availability and simplicity speak to many age groups. This activity also strengthens the community, deepens people's interest in environmental topics, and fosters more sustainable lifestyles.

Economic benefits

The charity re-use centre Baterkáreň provides products that are affordable (for free or for a symbolic fee) and can help (not only) socially disadvantaged groups of the population. The activity of the centre strengthens the community, the helping aspect of donating items can increase the happiness level in individuals.


Environmental benefits

Not producing new products, but returning already produced products to circulation, means saving energy, water, emissions that would have been consumed in their production, packaging or import. Putting goods back into circulation reduces the amount of landfill waste. In turn, by making such an option accessible, they are able to generate interest in the community about environmental issues and more sustainable lifestyles.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Each month, more than 400 items of clothing, toys, books and other household products are put back into circulation as part of curated events and the permanent operation of the Torch Shop. Over the period 2019-2024, 168 swaps were held with approximately 4,000 visitors attending. The charity re-use centre also runs material collections as part of its activities, which it tries to organise 2-4 times a year, always for a specific organisation or families in need.
