Clothing collection containers


EKOCHARITA Slovensko Slovensku, o. z.
Gen. M. R. Štefánika 1172/45
060 01 Kežmarok
IČO: 50 383 230

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The name, EKOCHARITA from Slovakia to Slovakia, represents the organisation's purpose. The used clothing collected through EKOCHARITA is first and foremost used to aid the country of origin, Slovakia. By recovering this secondary raw material, they support non-profit charity organisations by collecting clothes and financially.

Ekocharita started at the turn of 2016/2017, and originally their goal was to have 200 containers for clothes and textile collection. At the moment, there are 1200 of them throughout Slovakia. The collected clothing and textile products get a second chance by their secondary processing and reintroduction into circulation, minimising waste production. A separated part of the clothing, reusable after washing, is donated to people in need through their charity partners.

Economic benefits

Saving resources and using them sustainably, reducing the cost of municipal waste export.


Environmental benefits

By collecting clothes, they contribute to the recycling and recovery of this raw material. By reusing clothes, the environment is protected.


Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

More than 1 500 containers for the collection of worn clothes all over Slovakia
