Indoor composting – vermicomposting


OZ Kompostujme
Pusté 866
013 22 Rosina
IČO: 42 390 656

Contact person

Michal Vavrík
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Up to 50 % of municipal waste can be composted. With the current state of waste management and the objectives to be achieved there, we must start reducing waste immediately. Indoor composting, as well as vermicomposting, is the simplest and most effective method we can start with right now. With the aid of earthworms, which are used in vermicomposting (vermis = Latin worm), you process organic waste of plant origin into a natural fertilizer at home. Get started with us. We have everything you need. We use our 5 years of experience and gain new every day - we answer and advise you on the composting process. Join our 3000 satisfied customers. Let's do compost!

Economic benefits

Reduction of municipal waste management costs. Cost savings on the purchase of manufactured fertilisers. Potential sale of earthworms to fishermen.

Environmental benefits

First and foremost, reducing waste by preventing it from being produced by composting at the point of generation. Reducing the carbon footprint and, to a greater extent, returning humus back into the soil to restore its properties and strength.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Vermicomposter on a key. Lecture and workshop on indoor composting.
