Remote device monitoring

Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe - Slovakia s. r. o.Galvaniho, 15/C
821 04 Bratislava
IČO: 31 400 264
Contact person
Zuzana Nováková–
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Daikin is a prominent global producer of heating devices, aeration and air conditioning, including heat pumps and cooling systems. Air conditioning units and systems connected to the network bring many benefits: from performance monitoring, predictive logic, analysis, remote control, as well as statistics, through which there is a significant cost saving. Daikin offers multiple ways to manage devices remotely and optimise their performance. Continuous monitoring and analysis of operational data of the system is not only the key to efficient operation, cost reduction and practical maintenance but also to the optimisation of user comfort. Monitoring and subsequent optimisation of devices maximise the reliability of the entire infrastructure. They offer clients their own connection, including a router and mobile data package. All data is stored in their own Daikin cloud-based service, which meets the highest security standards - it ensures privacy, as well as secure transfer and storage.
Economic benefits
Thanks to monitoring and subsequent optimisation, electricity consumption and thus operating costs are significantly reduced.
Environmental benefits
Reducing CO2 emissions
Improving the quality of the indoor environment
Increasing the comfort and satisfaction of employees in the premises.
Examples of implementation of the solution in practice