A program of the revitalisation of the Slovak river basin management


Mesto Stará Ľubovňa
Obchodná 1
064 01 Stará Ľubovňa
IČO: 00 330 167


Contact person

Miroslav Pristáš
0903 750 428
View profile


The project, implemented between 2011 and 2012, and the renewal and expansion of the project in 2019, revitalised the land in a damaged forest area in the Stara Lubovna land register area. This goal was reached by a one-off cyclical catchment and delay of rainwater at a time of heavy storms, starting a process of regenerating land that had been damaged by water erosion. Seventy log dams and four earth dams were built. The water retention capacity of the wooden dams is 6 400 m³ of water, and that of earth dams is 4 240 m³ of water.

Economic benefits

Elimination of flood damage to the property of the town of Stará Ľubovňa and the property of individuals of the Zámocká Street.

Environmental benefits

Landscape revitalization, water retention in the landscape, limiting water erosion.
