Vegetation green roofs and roof gardens


StrechoStav, s.r.o.
Za Jordánom 4142/1A
03608 Martin
IČO: 46 483 802

Contact person

Marek Nepela
View profile


Strechostav conducts heating and retention adjustments of roofs including green, vegetation roofs and roof gardens and their maintenance and repair. Building owners can get a relaxation terrace, roof garden, which increases the value of the building and the utility for the owner. A vegetation roof retains water and relieves city sewage systems. A roof garden creates new green surfaces and decreases CO2.

Economic benefits

Recreation terrace, roof garden increase the value of the building and the benefit for the owner.

Environmental benefits

Vegetated roofs retain water and relieve urban drainage. Roof gardens create new green spaces and reduce CO2.
