Purified Waste Water - a product for humanity program


Stredná 126
059 91 Veľký Slavkov
IČO: 31 714 030


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+421 52 788 03 12
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The project of EKOSERVIS SLOVENSKO, s. r. o. aims to purify waste water using a membrane gravity feed. It is a technological system with a filter plate that serves to purify sewage to separate sludge from purified water. It replaces the conventional waste water treatment plant. The quality of the purified water downstream the membrane is at such a leve l that it can be used for recycling, watering the green areas, in industry, agriculture, urban and shopping centres or for flushing. The high quality of the purified water allows it to be discharged into the rock bed, occasional recipients, low watery streams, and can be used as drinking water after further treatment. For this project, the company received the EU Seal of Excellence Award. In 2017, the company joined the national business environment awards in the Slovak Republic, where it was awarded the first place in the category of products and services.

Economic benefits

Saving financial resources.

Environmental benefits

Water is the most precious liquid. By paying professional attention to wastewater treatment, it is possible to return it to nature clean and healthy and, most importantly, to purify the water to a level where it can be used again.
