Innovative remote data acquisition system


ista Slovakia, s.r.o.
Podunajská ulica 25
82106 Bratislava
IČO: 31 437 028

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Jana Slobodová
02/40 24 09 12
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The latest symphonic® 3 radio technology is an innovative remote data acquisition system that enables end-users to continually access consumption data on-line. The system includes end measuring instruments such as heat meters, proportional heat distributors, water meters, including gas meters, electrometers or smoke detectors, communications node - a data bus and a highly reliable automated data transmission network - AMM (Automatic Meter Management) system. The AMM system provides data transfer, their electronic processing, archiving and export to end-user software applications, such as economic and energy monitoring, and energy and water cost accounting programs.

Economic benefits

The ista radio technology already offers an energy consumption data management system that fulfils the vision of Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on energy efficiency, which aims to provide end users with information on their consumption of heat and hot water in shorter time intervals, so that they can react more quickly to this consumption and, if necessary, regulate it in a more timely manner.
The ista24 online consumption monitoring allows the final consumer to access their daily heat and water consumption via a web portal. By checking consumption more frequently and displaying the data more clearly, apartment users can optimise their energy consumption.

Environmental benefits

The radio module is passive in normal operation and is only activated on demand. The data transmission is at scheduled intervals (according to the request), which reduces the load on the environment by unnecessary radio signals - the so-called electrosmog.
ista Slovakia, s.r.o. helps to save energy, costs and CO2 emissions sustainably with its products and services.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Online monitoring of ista24 consumption
