Collection of kitchen waste from the door


JRK Slovensko s. r. o.
Rajská 2341/15A, Bratislava
811 08 Bratislava
IČO: 45 423 237

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+421 (0) 2 381 219 22
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Biodegradable waste in mixed municipal waste containers is not only a problem for municipalities with gardens, but also for cities. Moreover, it is often food waste that rots, smells, attracts pests and causes the spread of bacteria in the bins. The solution is to divert this type of waste at source and create the conditions for its convenient and hygienic sorting and subsequent treatment. The collection itself is preceded by the creation and setting up of the right collection logic and logistics. Equipping households and stands with special containers for kitchen waste, ensuring distribution combined with an intensive awareness campaign, setting the intensity of collection and compatible collection equipment.
Thanks to a sophisticated door-to-door collection system, municipalities will achieve up to 98% household participation in sorting. This is because the willingness to sort waste decreases with increasing distance. With door-to-door sorting of kitchen waste, cities achieve a sorting rate of more than 60%.
If the system is linked to an address-based record-keeping system that rewards citizens for correct sorting, the resulting sorting rate can rise above 80 %, while at the same time radically reducing the production of mixed municipal waste.

Economic benefits

The main potential of the collection of kitchen biodegradable waste is to reduce the production of landfilled waste. For the municipality, this means improving the sorting rate, which influences landfill charges, while saving on every tonne of export, handling and landfill operator fees. The municipality thus optimises its waste management and can invest the savings in further development.
Linking the door-to-door sorted collection system with the electronic waste register has proved its worth. Not only has the amount of waste exported decreased, but also the interest in sorting and household involvement has increased.
Bio-waste that does not end up in landfill can be recovered in a municipal or municipal composting plant into high quality compost, which the municipality will sell and thus generate additional revenue for the budget.

Environmental benefits

The introduction of source separated collection of kitchen waste is an important means of reducing the production of mixed municipal waste. In addition, it improves households' habits of sorting other types of waste. The annual production of mixed municipal waste after the introduction of this system in urban areas has dropped from almost 500 kg of waste per inhabitant to around 80 kg of waste per inhabitant.
Source-separated collection of kitchen waste improves the hygiene of the collection process and prevents disease-causing bacteria, putrefaction or odours that arise from stagnant collection without the possibility of sorting MSW. The waste does not end up in a landfill where it decomposes without access to air and causes the production of methane gas.
Thanks to the sophisticated system, the quality of sorting is significantly improved, which is very important for further processing, e.g. in a composting plant. There, it is turned into a high-quality fertiliser, which is an important source of nutrients for the soil and has a positive effect on its physico-chemical properties and quality.
