System of kitchen and restaurant waste solutions


JRK Slovensko s. r. o.
Rajská 2341/15A, Bratislava
811 08 Bratislava
IČO: 45 423 237

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+421 (0) 2 381 219 22
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Every facility that operates mass catering services is required to ensure the establishment and implementation of sorted collection of biodegradable kitchen waste. The classic collection of biodegradable kitchen and restaurant waste, as we all know, is comfortable but financially demanding. That's why we've decided to come up with an innovative and environmentally friendly solution offered by an electric composter. Such a composter processes both raw and cooked food residues directly at the point of origin. The kitchen waste goes through the hygienisation process and, thanks to the ACIDULO microorganisms, changes over 24 hours to a quality substrate. Inserted material is reduced by up to 90 % compared to the original volume during the processing (from 1 kg of waste, 10 dkg of compost is produced). The electric composter is suitable for different types and sizes of operations. Depending on the size of the composter, it is possible to process from 0,1 kg to 1370 kg of kitchen biowaste per day. It is the only legal alternative to compulsory collecting of kitchen waste.

Economic benefits

Customers have replaced the financially demanding compulsory collection of kitchen bio-waste with electric composters. The cost of operating the cold storage facilities where kitchen waste was stored has also been eliminated. Kitchen bio-waste can be put into the electric composter on a daily basis. The volume of material put in is reduced by 90 % within 24 hours, so there is no need to remove the contents of the composter on a daily basis.

Environmental benefits

The solution of biodegradable kitchen waste in electric composters is less expensive, energy and space consuming compared to conventional collection. As a result of the hygienisation process and the action of micro-organisms, the plants create a nutritious substrate from the kitchen waste on site.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

The electric composter is a suitable solution for different types of catering facilities. It has found very good application in school canteens all over the country. Canteens can choose from different sizes of composters, according to the amount of waste produced daily. The GREENGOOD 02 composter, which is easy to install and operate, is the most commonly used composter. Schools can use the compost produced from the composter in their lessons and thus bring a real example of the cycle in nature to their pupils.
Electric composters have also been installed in cafés, restaurants and hotels. Already more than 150 establishments are saving money on monthly collections of kitchen bio-waste in this way and, in addition, they are using the substrate as fertiliser or taking only 10% of the processed substrate to the composting plant. They have even composted bio-waste several times at the Pohoda festival.
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