Garden composting system


JRK Slovensko s. r. o.
Rajská 2341/15A, Bratislava
811 08 Bratislava
IČO: 45 423 237

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+421 (0) 2 381 219 22
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Collection of municipal waste is a significant part of the budget of each municipality. Municipal waste containers are usually filled with biodegradable waste (BMW) that does not belong to them. Reducing the amount of BMW in mixed waste brings benefits for municipality and its citizens. The home composting system in garden composters provides an effective solution for municipalities. Based on the municipal waste analysis, the city / municipality learns what is the amount of municipal and biological waste, but also the share of individual components that can be sorted out. The municipality can set steps to reduce the amount of BMW in mixed waste, or take action to improve sorting. In addition to delivering high-quality garden composters (such as the PREMIUM type) and accessories, we also provide municipalities with advice and help with educational activities and citizens' education for better composting.

By reducing the amount of BMW in “black containers” in a municipality, the frequency of municipal waste collection can be reduced. Citizens, thanks to the composting of BMW, will get quality compost that delivers nutrients for growing domestic crops.

Economic benefits

Thanks to home composting, municipalities can save money on frequent collections of mixed municipal waste (MSW). Reducing the proportion of MSW, the heaviest component of WEEE, in 'black bins' can reduce the filling of bins, thus reducing the frequency of mixed waste collections.
For the procurement of composters, the upfront costs are comparable to the purchase of brown bins for the collection of bio-waste. However, the advantage of composters is that no further costs are incurred. The municipality thus eliminates the cost of regular collection and treatment of bio-waste. Residents process it on site and use it as high-quality compost.

Environmental benefits

Up to almost 48% of a filled municipal waste container is made up of MSW. Landfilling such waste produces hazardous gases (e.g. methane, CO2) that affect the quality of the environment. Nowadays, when the quality of our soils is being degraded and eroded, it is essential to look for solutions to at least slow down this negative development. Soil is losing its nutrients. A great way to improve the quality of the soil, restore its fertility and fertility is to add natural fertiliser - compost.
The composting system makes it possible to produce high-quality fertiliser from plant residues. In addition, the soil from the compost binds carbon that would otherwise be emitted into the air and converts it into useful nutrients.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Municipalities across Slovakia have reduced the amount of bio-waste they produce. Thanks to the introduction of home composting in 2017, 407,640.72 kilograms less CO2 was emitted into the air.
In Lietavská Lučka, waste management costs dropped by EUR 3,000 in the first quarter after the introduction of composting. More information in the video:
In 2015, the municipality of Kynceľová procured garden composters. Today the municipality has 35% less mixed municipal waste.
