Smart Metering


Zvolenská cesta 29
974 05 Banská Bystrica
IČO: 31 624 189

Contact person

Ing. Darina Chrienová
0918 435 203
View profile


ENBRA SLOVAKIA monitors current trends and uses exclusively meters that meet Smart Metering requirements in their installations. Within the complexity of the services provided, we collect data from “smart” meters, which we then use for the needs of budgeting the heat and water costs of our clients. ENBRA is also a founding member of the Association of Budgeters of Heat and Water Costs (ARTAV). Membership in this association is a guarantee that budgeting is performed according to valid regulations. ARTAV members must use technical means that comply with applicable standards and must have the activity of budgeting listed in the Commercial Register or the Trade Register as their business activity. The meters used in our applications can be verified at our Authorised Metrology Workplace in Banská Bystrica.

Economic benefits

The overall activity of the company is directed towards the implementation of Directive 2010/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on energy efficiency. The use of Smart Metering supports the implementation of this directive, which aims to reduce primary energy consumption and the transition to a more energy efficient economy.

Environmental benefits

V konečnom dôsledku by zníženie spotreby energie malo mať pozitívny dopad na životné prostredie a aj na zníženie výdavkov na energiu. Vďaka energeticky efektívnemu hospodáreniu je možné výrazne znižovať spomínané spotreby energie, čo tiež pozitívne prispieva k znižovaniu emisií skleníkových plynov nákladovo efektívnym spôsobom, a tým zmierňovaniu zmeny klímy.
